Dec 8, 2012

Siringa turned one year old!

 Hello. It is me, Siringa.

I turned one year old on the 16th of November!

This is what I look like now.

 What I love best, is to play.

So you might call me a player if you wish.

Do you remember Valja?
She's more of a watcher type.

I play...

 She watches.

Well she does also play,
but I do believe that I am the Queen of Catch in this house.

Bye for now! 
I have to go catch some ribbons now.

Aug 24, 2012

Oh oh oh all the things that have happened!

Well, first of all, Valja had her 1st birthday on the 4th of August!

We got a nice new carpet at home.

First I introduced the carpet to Valja as my mom.
But then on a closer look it turned out it actually is only a carpet,
not a big white cat.

Some other exciting things have also happened:We went on our first cat show ever!

It was held by UROK in Helsinki on the 11th of August.

Me, Siringa, I was having the time of my life.
Which can not be said of Valja, who mostly just tried to escape.
She once got the cage door open and had a nice run,
but our owner Pinja caught her quite quickly.

And a good thing it was she didn't run away,

because she did very well in the show!

She even got to the pre-selection for the judge's Best in Show in her category.

Actually I did quite well in the show as well if I may add.

I got a EX1 and Valja got a CAC.

Don't ask us what they mean because we really don't know.

What we do know is that back at home after the show

it was time for relaxing again.

Relaxing.. Because hey- we're worth it!

Bye for now!

May 18, 2012

The other day, I was minding my own business,
getting ready for my second afternoon nap.

I had got myself comfortable in my favourite basket..

...but Siringa wanted to have her nap in the same basket.

That's okay, we can share, I though and almost fell asleep..

...but then I noticed some dirt behind her ear.

Even though I like her even when she's dirty...

...I thought I'd help her a bit.. I washed her ears.

And then we both fell asleep all nice and clean.

May 3, 2012

Well hello!

We have moved!

Our new home is as nice as the old one.

Or even nicer, because here the rooms are higher
so our climbing trees can also get higher.

But the most important stuff is still the same.That means Valja is here...

..Siringa is here...

.. and our owners, food and the sofa are here.

Apr 7, 2012

Hi. It's me, Valja.

A lot has happened here since the last time you heard from me.

The white kitten is still here.

And so am I.

The net door has been gone for a long time now.

Because me and Siringa, we're good buddies now.

I adore her!

She's a cool cat.

We like to take naps together.

And then we also sometimes take naps together.

Oh and did I mention we like to take naps together?

We also like to hang around and play together.

I must go now. It's time for the first afternoon nap.
Bye bye!